OblinArk Frequently asked Questions and Answers

Where did the name “OblinArk” come from?

Please see/read  http://www.oblin.co.uk  the rest is we leave to your imagination.

How green is the “OblinArk” ?

Most importantly the 180kw Ark will save 600 tonnes of carbon production a year against coal generation. Generating 1103760 kwh per year which supplies 230 average houses with green electricity. (average annual consumption 4800 kwh)  

Could the wheels impact the fish ?

The wheel paddles are blunt and made from soft plastic. The wheels rotate very slowly at approximately 10 to 15 revolutions per minute, in the direction of flow with no impoundment of water.

Is there an increase / decrease in water flow which may distract fish ?

Water passes beneath the “OblinArk'” at the same flow velocity as the river. As such there should be no fish distraction from the flow.  For more information please click here for the “APEM” report

Does the noise from the paddles impact, distract the fish ?

The design of paddles provides a clean soft slow entry to the water. For more information please click here for the “APEM” report

How does the “OblinArk” deal with river trash ?

The front of the “OblinArk” has a substantial angled grill which deflects objects around the boat.

How is the “OblinArk” to be anchored ?

A number of successful anchoring methods have been tested from steel anchor wire’s to sliding piles.

What Health and Safety process is in place ?

H&S is at the fore front of the OblinArk Ltd business. All electricity connections are monitored and can be closed down automatically. If in the unlikely event of it breaking moorings.

How will the electricity be passed to shore ?

Our connections adopt the G59/2 electrical connection standards.

Will the “OblinArk” be vandal proof ?

As best as possible the “OblinArk” is a secured unit. It will be monitored by webcams for added security and the area will be appropriately signed.

Has the Canoe requirements been thought of ?

All anchor lines will have a minimum of 1.6m clearance above the water, allowing for unrestricted Canoe navigation. The “OblinArk” is as easy to navigate around as any other stationary vessel.

Will the “OblinArk” be noisy ?

The roof and sides are attenuated and the wheels turn at the same velocity as the water as such “OblinArk” will blend into any water environment.

How will the “OblinArk” be delivered to location ?
How is the “OblinArk” installed ?

A straight forward installation is required on site by securing the “OblinArk” to the anchor points and a qualified electrician will make the G59/2 connection to the grid.

What does FSEC mean ?

Free Stream Energy Converter FSEC

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